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Entrepreneur’s Journey to a Four Legged Milking Stool

Hi, my name is Cathy. As business owners it can’t all be about the work, it has to include your leisure time and your physical and mental/spiritual well-being. Kind of like a milking stool you need all four legs to be stable and make your business succeed. I know there are one legged and 3 legged stools, but four legged stools are much more stable.   I have been so focused on work over the years the physical and leisure legs of the stool have been neglected and without those being solid the mental / spiritual seems to suffer.

About 3 weeks ago I decided it was time for this female entrepreneur at 65 years old, 200lbs+ with two new knees and recent back surgery to get it together. I started on a journey that at times has been excruciating, funny and satisfying and maddening. I started out by sharing weekly on Facebook to keep me honest and track my progress. I found a few friends who also track their steps daily and we share them with each other.

Today as I was walking the nature trail that we have in my community along the South Platte River I realized it might also help other entrepreneurs to share my journey as I embark on getting all four legs of my stool carrying their weight.

I work from home and live in a small duplex, so getting in a lot of exercise takes some thought. There were days I didn’t walk more than 500-600 steps a day. From the office to the easy chair in the front room is only 18 steps and during the day I didn’t take them very often as I was glued to the computer.

I’m not sure what the trigger was that made me really believe I could do this, I had never been able to do it before, but something clicked and I am just finishing week 3 of my journey. I believe they say it take 4-6 weeks to form new habits, so I am at least half way there.

I started out with a goal of 2000 steps a day for one week and I then would add 200 more steps a day each week. I have a Fitbit that I wear daily that helps track the steps and motivates me. The first couple of weeks I wasn’t too concerned about what I ate, I just concentrated on the walking. I actually put on a pound in week 2. I learned how many steps it was around the entire block, how many steps it was if I cut through the alley. I tracked the steps to 7-11 and back to get an afternoon diet Pepsi.   If I wanted my very special treat which was a Wild Cherry Diet Pepsi I knew how many steps I could get walking to the grocery store.   When I want something different I can go to Riverside Park and walk the nature trail.

Now I am ending week 3 and just got back from the nature trail. I take my camera and take the time to sit and reflect when the feet get to hurting. Today my revelation was starting this blog for other entrepreneurs who need to stabilize their milking stool.   I have found that each time I walk, I return energized and with some great new ideas for the business. I am also finding that if I don’t get out and walk and get the fresh air I am restless until I get up and move.

I have also found out that going to Wal-Mart to get the steps in is way too expensive, so that is no longer in my plan. I have also found this energy has made me keep my house up better.

My goal for this past week was 2800 steps and for the 2nd week in a row, I have not accomplished it. I had one really bad day which pulled down the average. However, I have dropped 2.5 lbs. and that is a good thing.

As I go forward in this journey, I hope you will join me as I work to get all four legs of my milking stool stabilized and that you will share your thoughts with me also. Watch for updates! I’m thinking I need a Wild Cherry Diet Pepsi.   Enjoy some of the sights and sounds I found on the nature trail today.


Nature Trail

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